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Monday, August 2, 2010

Listening to. . .

Listen to It! "The Lost Get Found" by Britt Nicole:

This message is inspiring! It came on the radio last night when I was driving in my car.  I had been lost (go figure!) and had been driving for about an hour.  Not even my GPS system was able to get me back on track. . .I was extrememly frustrated, and then this song came on.  The title alone caught my attention.  It encouraged me to keep on trecking in many ways.

Sometimes it feels like my life isn't "life-changing," that God didn't know what he was doing when he made me. . .but I am so WRONG.  Because the great thing about LIFE is that it is significant, no matter what.   Everything and everybody is valuable in God's eyes & he makes no mistakes.  He even turns my mistakes into blessings.  Like getting lost last night turned into a great time to chill out and listen to the radio and listen to God.  It all worked out. And that was just a small thing. Imagine what he can do with the "big things."

No matter how we feel about our life, God knows that it's important and has the potential for greatness through his goodness.  Big or small, my life, your life, all life is significant.

‎"Don’t let the lights go down, Don’t let the fire burn out, Cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe!"