need help? call 662.841.1517

parkgate is a place where women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy can find help. visit us on facebook for more information. or read on right here for some "true color stories."

Monday, July 26, 2010

forecasted: "Showers" for Tuesday night!

Parkgate's Client Director Tricia Robbins!

Everyone knows there is nothing quite like a baby shower for first time Moms!

After completing a full summer of Parenting classes, 10 first time moms will be honored at Parkgate's baby shower tomorrow night in Tupelo!  Great women from the community are helping to put on this event, and the moms will have recieved not only great advice on how to raise a baby, but also will recieve some items to help them get a head start on having this new little person in their lives.  I know that the shower will be a blessing for both those receiving and giving. Awesome things are happening at Parkgate, by God's grace. 

You water its furrows abundantly,

You settle its ridges,
You soften it with showers,
You bless its growth

Psalm 65:10

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ms Beth's

i met a woman at the belk counter yesterday.  she was beautiful.
she was probably about 65 years of age, with a cajun accent.  she was born in new orleans.
when i asked her what brought her here, she said, "i came back to marry my highschool sweetheart. but he passed away."
she said, "God works in mysterious ways sometimes."
she had a marketing firm on the side.
as a young girl she had studied italian abroad.
she was a new friend on facebook.
she had a real story to share.
& I
would have never known
if i hadn't taken the time to ask.

how often do i pass people like her by in my every day life?! what rich stories people have to share, if you just ask!  what's yours?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


yesterday my friend Beth and I went to "Gigi's Cupcakes."  Above, we have the White Chocolate Midnight Magic cupcake and the Wedding Cake cupcake.  They were sooooo yummy and SWEET, really is the only word for them.  It made me think of that song, "How sweet it is to be loved by you."  As I was having a cupcake with my friend, I just smiled at how GREAT it was to be with someone who knows me better than I know myself.  She came and spent the night with me in my apartment, but she came AFTER dinner so that I wouldn't worry with cooking for her.  She was so easy to entertain, and then took ME to lunch after a day of shopping.  You know a friend is great when they make you feel at home in your own home, and make you feel comfortable in your own skin! Think about it.  And pass along a word of encouragement to a friend who means a lot to you. How sweet it  is to be loved by a friend who knows you!

For more information on the above DELICIOUS cupcakes visit:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

little things

This is a video of my kitten and her name is Piper.  Mainly because she has a good set of pipes on her, but also just because we thought it was a cute name.  She is very into EVERYTHING.  She loves to climb, cuddle, eat, play with her green ball, try and eat my foot. . .you name it, she loves to do it.

She is grateful for the little things in her life.  Little things have a way of being so much cuter than big things.  They are special because they are small and delicate.  Like when a kiddo finds a ladybug and just looks at it because it is so very small, or when we experience small victories like making cookies without burning them. . .those are special times.

Life is made up of a lot of little moments.  Little decisions, friendships that start small, relationships that start with a phone call, good habits that form with that initial effort, and books finished because we read the first page first.  We all start out little and grow bigger and bigger. 

Sometimes I get so discouraged because I don't have all the answers just yet.  I don't know if I can grow, and I have a hard time being playful like a kitten, or being faithful like a little child, as Jesus calls us to be. 

But often, if I can just get started, and commit to letting something small grow, I know that I can let God take over and he can accomplish great things.  So whatever it is, big or little, let's be faithful and let Godly GROWTH occur.