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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

little things

This is a video of my kitten and her name is Piper.  Mainly because she has a good set of pipes on her, but also just because we thought it was a cute name.  She is very into EVERYTHING.  She loves to climb, cuddle, eat, play with her green ball, try and eat my foot. . .you name it, she loves to do it.

She is grateful for the little things in her life.  Little things have a way of being so much cuter than big things.  They are special because they are small and delicate.  Like when a kiddo finds a ladybug and just looks at it because it is so very small, or when we experience small victories like making cookies without burning them. . .those are special times.

Life is made up of a lot of little moments.  Little decisions, friendships that start small, relationships that start with a phone call, good habits that form with that initial effort, and books finished because we read the first page first.  We all start out little and grow bigger and bigger. 

Sometimes I get so discouraged because I don't have all the answers just yet.  I don't know if I can grow, and I have a hard time being playful like a kitten, or being faithful like a little child, as Jesus calls us to be. 

But often, if I can just get started, and commit to letting something small grow, I know that I can let God take over and he can accomplish great things.  So whatever it is, big or little, let's be faithful and let Godly GROWTH occur.